Friday, October 22, 2010

Sunshine: DC Update

As I have previously blogged, I am planning a five day study tour of Washington, D.C. I think that it is important to inform others of what I am currently working on, because I love it.

This is the schedule I have created:

November 3rd: Fly into DC
                        Meeting with the World Bank
                        Service project: presentation with College Bound

November 4th: Meeting with CropLife America
                        Meeting with the Woodrow Wilson Center
                        Tour of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing
                        Young Professional's Panel
                        Evening Monument Tour
November 5th: Meeting at the Pentagon
                        Meeting with Senator Cornyn
                        Capitol Tour
                        Meeting with Teach for America
                        Alumni Dinner
November 6th: National Mall exploration and Smithsonian's
                        Kennedy Center: Hair
November 7th: Arlington National Cemetery
                       Fly to Austin

During this week, I will be the most insane I have ever been in my life. I am prepared to get no sleep and spend all of my time doing something.

But I couldn't be more excited.

Anyone want some souvenirs?

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